
What Wrong with Google Pagerank Update 2009?

Pagerank has been updated and my pagerank for this blog disappears. This 2009 seems the best time for Google to update.
I got such disapointing thing before. A month ago the page rank of this blog disappear too and sooner it appeared again.


Downloading Free Software

Hardware and software is inseparable. If we have outstanding hardware such as personal computer, laptop or mobile phone, we need to have good software to support the function of the hardware. If not, that functional hardware will work little.
Recently the development of the software goes rapidly. One is freeware, trialpay or chargeware. The software has develop in to the high degree in quality and quantity. Some site provide thousand software and they can be free. Of course if we choose the freeware, we will only get the basic feature, for additional function and important feature, we need to purchase. The sites such download.com, softpedia and getjar are the most famous site which privide thousand functional and intersting software for our device. Most of them are free.