
Enjoying Staying at Home

Home, beside as a residence also has a variety of functions. One of them, home can be used as place for business. Many factors can be considered at this time why many people who use their home as part of the activities office or place for doing business.

One of the consideration is traffic in the street, which makes travel to the office will takes a long time. In addition, security factor, convenience, and many people began to want to have their own business in home. For a housewife, if they have their own business at home, it will add value, because it can simultaneously manage the household and children.

To make the house as the place for business, it seems all the factors will influence when creating the concept of residential and multiply-function. Besides as a residence, this home also has a special area to be used as offices for the head of household and place of business of the housewife. However, it does not ignore the comfort for the residential home for the family.

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